Vytaute Babone

Vytaute Babone

  • Craniosacraal therapie
  • Burnout begeleidingen
  • Medische Reflexologie
  • Naturopathie
  • Intelligent Bodywork

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Vytaute Babone is een uitzonderlijke multidisciplinaire therapeut. Zij heeft sinds 2009 in Den Haag haar praktijk als een transformatie coach, spanningscoach en burn-out specialist. Gedurende de behandelingen vindt ze manieren om burn-out, vermoeidheid, lichamelijke pijnen en symptomen te verlichten. De behandelingen combineren stressverlichtende gesprekken, complementaire lichaamstherapieën en levenstijl-aanpassingen. 

Ze is Natuurgeneeskundige met registraties bij RBCZ en LVNT.

Welke symptomen

Hoofdpijnklachten, duizeligheid, hoge bloeddruk, buikkrampen (IBS), ademtekort, infecties, huidproblemen, hormoonklachten, zenuwpijnen, whiplash, gewrichtsproblemen, stijve nek-schouders & rug, burn-out, slapeloosheid en stress.

Relevante opleidingen en ervaring

  • Transformatie counseling
  • Psychosociale therapie
  • Compositie werk 
  • Healing Codes
  • Orthomoleculaire Therapie 
  • Fysiologie-Anathomie-Pathologie
  • Craniosacraal therapie
  • Viscerale therapie
  • Medische Shiatsu therapie
  • Medische Reflexologie
  • Naturopathie
  • Intelligent Bodywork


Sara’s testimonial: 

"It didn’t seem that I had much stress in life, or tension in my body, but my body was breaking, with chronic bowel inflammation, with a lot of abdominal pain and blood in the stool. I was regularly being treated by a specialist and I used medication, which seemed to help periodically, but after a few months' break, I was falling back into the same routine over and over again.

Purely by accident, while looking for some relaxation, a friend referred me to Intelligent Bodywork. It was like discovering a new world for me: it has shown me the corners of myself that I have never even dreamed of having. Those inner discoveries didn’t seem to have anything to do with inflammation (I learned to fall into ‘helplessness’ and to allow myself to feel it). As a result, I have been free from any symptoms for 1.5 years already." 

Anthony’s testimonial: 

"After a skull injury, I was diagnosed with having a compression between 3-4 neck vertebra, though I had pain radiation in half of the body. I visited everyone, from a neurologist to every possible therapist I could find – yes I had a diagnosis, but regular treatment didn’t help, or it made the pain worse. I received craniosacral and reflexology therapies from Vytaute Babone, which made me want to live again. Today I can function with minor symptoms and sometimes return for prevention."